Vidiot, I don't follow you. Why on earth would the latest, trendy focus on JW.ORG be something in the category of "strange and possibly impractical-seeming instructions?" Quite the opposite I'd say; most internet savvy JW's in the western world would regard it as entirely practical and long overdue!
yadda yadda 2
JoinedPosts by yadda yadda 2
by steve2 inwith the official letter from the gb to all bodies of elders, a stylized banner can now be appended to kingdom hall signage.. what an auspicious year this will turn out to be for the organization!!.
among other outcomes, the "link" with the old, baggage-ridden "watchtower bible & tract society" recedes into the background.
furthermore, now you don't pretend to need feet trudging door-to-door - your worker is done at the press of a few directed fingers.
Watchtower No Blood Card
by Lee Elder innew article on ajwrb:.
yadda yadda 2
Very nice summary.
I would be grateful if you could please give the specific academic sources and empirical data you refer to in the solitary reference in support of this statement at the conclusion of the article:
Especially in view of the fact that it is well-known a significant percentage of Jehovah’s Witness secretly oppose the policy and feel coerced into carrying the blood card or risk exposure as apostates with subsequent shunning.1
Thanks, yadda.
Surreal experience last night.
by objectivetruth inrecently a jw friend that my wife & i knew 3 years ago added me on facebook, after i accepted the request she invited me to a dinner that her and her husband are holding next month.. i imagined that she was unaware of our apostasy, so i declined the invitation on the basis of not wanting to ruin her dinner after the rest of her guests fled at our presence.. i'm never sure how old friends will react when i tell them that i'm no longer a jw.. usually their response is "..... permanent-silence......".
her response went something like this, " we are all out!
everyone that is coming is out we all look forward to seeing you guys so much" it turns out that there will be 6 people at the dinner all friends of ours from a congregation that we attended a few years back.. they have all left the organization recently.. pretty crazy experience..
yadda yadda 2
Wow, that's really encouraging, and it makes me wonder how many JW people I used to know have recently made the same escape from religious Colditz, aka, the borganisation.
PEER PRESSURE!!! I gave in to Pioneering during August...I feel dirty...
by stuckinarut2 inok, i'll admit it...i am weak.... as everyone knows, the pressure to "pioneer" during "the most momentous, awesome, amazing, centenary anniversay of jesus invisble kigdom rule, & distribute tracts about a dodgy website" campaign is very strong at the moment.... also, many will have read my threads about the extreme views and expectations in our cong for "all appointed men to pioneer" etc..... every elder and ms and their families have been announced as pioneering....i mean everyone's name was read out except mine..... i was not going to do it, as i do not believe anyone should be forced...(and of course its the last thing on earth i would rather do anyway since learning ttatt).
but i am not quite ready to make the break yet, so i realised that i would stand out more if i didnt put in a form to pioneer.
yes it would make me more conspicious, and make fading harder to would bring more heat on me if i didnt pioneer.. so i gave in and submitted a form.... now, of course, i'm only going to make sure i'm seen at the key field service groups etc...but then go and do something more count blades of grass..... ahh....i feel hypocritical to myself now......
yadda yadda 2
What a wuss-out. Grow some balls man.
by steve2 inwith the official letter from the gb to all bodies of elders, a stylized banner can now be appended to kingdom hall signage.. what an auspicious year this will turn out to be for the organization!!.
among other outcomes, the "link" with the old, baggage-ridden "watchtower bible & tract society" recedes into the background.
furthermore, now you don't pretend to need feet trudging door-to-door - your worker is done at the press of a few directed fingers.
yadda yadda 2
His motivation, I believe, is emotional attachment to the idea of being with his deceased Father in Paradise.
He has been offered this Freebie if he remains loyal to the ORG.
I've told him many things and proved (I suppose) many wrongs about the org--BUT HE DEFENDS THEM still.
All this does is remind me how deep the hook is embedded.
This religion isn't just about doctrine and assertions of Truth.
IT OFFERS PROMISES and makes exclusive membership contingent on absolute loyalty.
Try a different approach Terry. Are you just attacking his belief in the organisation or trying to kill his belief in the Bible and resurrection hope? Since it is his hope in the resurrection which is the real hook, and it is in fact a hope in the Bible that all Christian religions teach, then work on that to reach him in a way that destroys his belief that he must belong to the JW's to see his father again.
For example, ask him if Pastor Russell was one of the 144k and is in heaven now? He'll say yes of course. Don't attack that belief, just go along with it, don't attack his core emotional beliefs. Then point out to him that C T Russell and the early Bible Students never taught that mankind will be eternally destroyed at Armageddon. They taught that the separation of the sheep and the goats and judging of the nations occurs during the millennial reign, not before it (ie, the millennial reign is judgment day). Remind him that even the JW's have recently wavered on this, announcing 'new light' in 1995 that the judgment of the sheep and goats didn't start in 1914 but occurs during the great tribulation.
Ask him how it's possible that a God of perfect love and justice and mercy would eternally destroy billions of ignorant, sinful persons at Armageddon but then resurrect in the millennial reign billions of ignorant, sinful persons who died before Armageddon? Tell him that Russell utterly rejected this idea as monstrously unjust, teaching that the nations are judged. He can verify this out easily enough for himself on the Bible Students forums and blogs. Ask him does he really believe that the hundreds/thousands of Bible Students in various groups today who still adhere to Russell's original teachings but reject the JW's will be destroyed at Armageddon? No JW can honestly answer yes to that while also believing that Russell and the early Bible Students were genuinely anointed.
This is one of the best ways of removing someone's deep seated fear of missing out on eternal life in a paradise earth unless they remain with the organisation. I know it worked for me, as the thing that initially broke the mental shackles and freed me mentally from all fear of leaving the organisation behind for good.
Why is shunning wrong?
by noonehome inconsider an example i often hear.
youre sitting at a dinner table.
the topic of conversation is regarding your mother.
yadda yadda 2
Dude, just grow some balls and take a stand for what is right.
Silence after stating my confusion about "144,000"
by tidalblitz inthe other night, i was told about a question that a friend's bible study had asked them.
the bible study asked: "if jesus is perfect, why does he need the 144,000 to help him rule?
" this friend does not know how to answer this question.
yadda yadda 2
Have you ever heard of a Kingdom that was just a government?
Is The White House the 'nation' of the USA?
What 'kingdom' is only those in it's parliament, only those governing?
Doesn't any kingdom also include the subjects, the citizens of that kingdom, the great majority who are ruled over?
Didn't Jesus say that the sheep who he separates from the goats will inherit 'the Kingdom' (Matt 25)?
Another religion celebrates 100 years
by A.proclaimer inthis is from the iglesia ni cristo, another jw-like religion.
they even boast about growing numbers and having missionaries in other countries.
the only thing is they made it to the yahoo!
yadda yadda 2
This curious Filipino JW simile religion boast a BIGGER MEMBERSHIP than JW's!
Silence after stating my confusion about "144,000"
by tidalblitz inthe other night, i was told about a question that a friend's bible study had asked them.
the bible study asked: "if jesus is perfect, why does he need the 144,000 to help him rule?
" this friend does not know how to answer this question.
yadda yadda 2
The Watchtower Society teaches that humans are not capable of ruling themselves, but 144,000 imperfect humans are going to rule over mankind! Go figure.
Did a lack of unity mean that the Corinthians were not Christian?
by I_love_Jeff inso the jehovah's witnesses say:.
hebrews 10:25 uses the phrase not forsaking our meeting together.
those words show that god wants people to gather as an organized group for worship.-
yadda yadda 2
Very good point! Your logic is excellent.